Development of data and privacy protection techniques is one of the main task of INDECT project. There are two main research directions related to this category – development of digital watermarking, and cryptographic algorithms. A new symmetric block cipher, INDECT Block Cipher (IBC) has been designed. The construction of cipher is based on a substitution-permutation network. The main idea behind this symmetric algorithm is the unique approach to the key scheme. Algorithm uses highly non-linear S-boxes and P-boxes, generated from the key. IBC provides high resistance to cryptanalysis and wide key space, up to the 576 bits. Detail of the new cipher are presented in D8.3. Authors of IBC developed a simple graphical application implementing the cipher (described in D9.13). The program is able to encrypt text and arbitrary files. It is worth to mention that the application was implemented to present functionality of new block cipher. Implementation is not optimal, as the performance was not the most important requirement. Moreover, this implementation does not make IBC possible to use in many practical applications, for example to encrypt SSL/TLS connections. In order to improve the convenience of IBC usage, as well extend range of practical applications, it had been decided to implement the IBC cipher in OpenSSL libraries. In particular, the objective was to enable the ability to use IBC to secure data transmitted in SSL/TLS connections and SSL/TLS based VPNs (for example OpenVPN). OpenSSL is an open source toolkit implementing SSL/TLS protocols as well as general purpose cryptography functions. Besides the toolkit can be used as a stand-alone cryptographic application, it provides libraries which can be reused by independent programs. OpenSSL libraries are one of the most popular cryptographic libraries, used by many applications and operating systems. OpenSSL version 0.9.8v was chosen as the base for IBC implementation. The IBC code was completely rewritten using low-level C language. Thanks that, we were able to gain a significant performance boost over the graphical application described in D9.13. Results show above 23x performance improvement. Besides performance, compatibility requirements were important during the implementation. We were able to preserve full binary and source compatibility with the original version of OpenSSL. Thanks to that it is possible to use the most convenient way of deploying IBC libraries - replacing existing OpenSSL shared library files with modified ones. Using the IBC enabled version of OpenSSL it is possible to establish secure connections over the Internet using INDECT Block Cipher to encrypt transmitted data. The source code of IBC extended OpenSSL has been relased to the public. The tarball is available for download below. Moreover, there is a stand-alone Windows binary of OpenSSL command line tool available to download (application is statically linked with IBC extended libraries). The process of integration of IBC with the OpenSSL has been described in technical report, which is also available to download. Document presents the programming work and results of compatibility and performance tests.