This webpage/folder contains programs supporting the book: Tomasz P. ZIELINSKI "STARTING DIGITAL SGNAL PROCESSING IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING. A LABORATORY_BASED COURSE" Springer International Publishing, October 2020 WARNING! The programs are demo only and usage non-restricted, however at ... THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER. CONTENT: 1) ... to - 24 ZIP files including all programs and data for 24 laboratories 2) - all programs only 3) - all data only (excluding IQ) 4) - all telecommunication IQ data only A. IMPORTANT - IF ANY INPUT DATA ARE MISSING! ############################################################################################### Download and unpack: - (all data except IQ = smaller files) - (IQ only = significantly bigger files) Copy missing data to the laboratory folders OR add pathes to extracted sub-folders: addpath( 'c:\user\book\data', 'c:\user\book\dataIQ' ); % Matlab in Windows addpath( '/home/user/book/data', '/home/user/book/dataIQ' ); % Matlab in Linux ############################################################################################### B. IMPORTANT - IF MATLAB FUNCTIONS ARE MISSING ############################################################################################### OCTAVE: In Octave 5.2 load necessary pakages: >>pkg load signal communications control image [ENTER] MATLAB AND OCTAVE: Download and unpack Add path to the folder with a few auxilary Matlab functions: >>addpath('c:\user\book\auxiliary'); ############################################################################################### FINAL STATEMENTS: 1) Please, cite the book if you apply the given software in education or research. 2) I will be very grateful for information about the errors found. Tomasz Zielinski Department of Telecommunications AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow, Poland Krakow, August 1st 2020